Julia Alexandra S. Is a Romanian/Israeli photographer based in London working with both
still and moving images - with rich colours and constructed narratives. Her work explores
female identity, beauty ideals and consumerism, through self-portraiture and staged
photography. She often depicts the stories of others through her projects, using the body
as a medium, masks or digital software to alter her physical appearance.
"Through a series of self-portraits and an oversized beehive, Heavy Blonde allowed me to look at misconceptions and myths that surround blonde women. I had anonymous participants that shared their experiences or pieces of advice, some were spicier, others flirtatious, creating, as a result, the character, or characters, that you now have in front of you."
Photography: Julia Alexandra S. / www.julialexandra.com / @julialexandra6
Photography Assistant: Lucho Davila / www.iamtrece.com / @iamtrece
Styling: Andrew Christian / @itsandrewchristiam